Kevin Jennings

Kevin Jennings


JBV Business Valuation

Phone: 516-794-4264 x201



The experts at JBV Business Valuation have been providing valuation services for over 30 years. What began as a sole proprietorship has grown into a boutique valuation firm serving clients across the country. Valuations are all we do; we leave all accounting and legal matters to the expert CPAs and attorneys. Our mission is to provide a valuation that is fair to all parties. All valuation experts are independent. We are fiercely independent. This stance allows us to prepare the fair and highly defensible reports we do. Our credo is “If you can’t support it, don’t state it.” Our goal is to complete projects within two to three weeks after receiving the requested data. Our success rate is virtually 100%. Many of our competitors take several months.

For over 30 years, Kevin Jennings has been performing valuations geared to small business owners. He holds the CPA license, holds both a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Science in Accounting from Adelphi University. He holds minors in Computer Science and Finance, both of which taught him to think analytically. Kevin has an extensive background in manufacturing and is known for thinking outside the box. He uses his years of experience, knowledge and education to help clients grow their businesses, become more efficient and more profitable.


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