Content Development Information

The NYBB Group Content Development Information


Section 1: Program Content & Knowledge Level

The NYBB Group assures that the program content and program level is appropriate for the intended participant. All knowledge level will be specified to participants so that it can determine that the program is appropriate for their development needs. Program knowledge levels consist of: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Overview and Update. We assure to indicate if there is a need for a prerequisite education, experience, and/or advanced preparation. CPE Standards References: Standard No. 2 & 3


Section 2: Content and Delivery System

Course is developed by individuals with expertise in the subject matter. Individuals with knowledge of the subject have practical experience and education. Individuals create the subject through their research of the topic. Courses must be revised as soon as feasible following changes to relative codes, laws, rulings, decisions, and interpretations. Courses in subjects that undergo frequent changes are reviewed by individuals with subject matter expertise every year. Other courses must be reviewed every 2 years. CPE Standards Reference: Standard No. 4


Section 3: Content is Developed by Subject Matter Experts

Our program is reviewed by a qualified person other than the person who developed the program. Review of the program occurs before the first presentation and at the end to revision the course. Participants with at least one licensed CPA in good standing and holding of an active license in a U.S. jurisdiction develops every program offered.

  • At least one licensed CPA (in good standing and holding an active license or the equivalent of an “active” license in a U.S. jurisdiction) is required in the development of every program in accounting and auditing.
  • At least one licensed CPA (in good standing and holding an active license or the equivalent of an “active” license in a U.S. jurisdiction) is required in the development of each program in the field of study of taxes.

In the case of the subject matter of international taxes, the equivalent of an “active” licensed CPA for the international jurisdiction involved is permitted.

If this requirement is met at some point during the development process, a program would comply. CPE Standards Reference: Standard No. 5


Section 4: Content is Based on Relevant Learning Objectives

The programs available contain relevant learning objectives and outcomes that make clear articulation of the professional competence that should be achieved by participants. Every syllabus made available for each course will describe what the participants will be able to learn. Clear objectives are stated in the following course description online, and in-person through our syllabus. CPE Standards Reference: Standard No. 2


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