01 Jan Anthony Citrolo Completes Two Years as President of the Accountant/Attorney Networking Group (AANG)
Anthony J. Citrolo, CPA/CMAA/CBI had completed two years as president of The Accountant/Attorney Networking Group (AANG). The Accountant Attorney Networking Group is comprised solely of practicing accountants and practicing attorneys who service multiple clients. The purpose of the group is to facilitate networking between and among accountants and attorneys. In his two years as president membership increased by 25%, a New York City AANG group was convened and now has a full complement of meetings and members and the AANG board was expanded in response to the needs of the group. Highlights of the past year included two of the most successful AANG events which were held in May and October at the Cresthollow Country Club and Garden City Hotel. Anyone interested in more information about AANG is asked to contact Anthony Citrolo at NY Business Brokerage, Inc. and Strategic M&A Advisors at 631.390.9650.